Radiografía del sector logístico por el V Barómetro Círculo Logístico SIL

Cargadores y las 44 toneladas   andsoft

Barcelona, 14 de marzo del 2014.-  Según ha informado, la 16º edición del Salón Internacional de la Logística de Barcelona este estudio ha contado con la colaboración de 776 directores de logística españoles de distintos sectores de la industria que han participando por su condición de miembros del Círculo Logístico del SIL 2014. Entre las distintas cuestiones a las que han dado respuesta estos directores de logística cabe destacar el hecho de si son partidarios o no de la implantación de las 44 toneladas de carga máxima en el transporte de mercancías por carretera, los aspectos que más valoran a la hora de subcontratar un servicio logístico, las actividades logísticas que suelen subcontratar, sus principales preocupaciones logísticas, el grado de inversión que realizan en prácticas medioambientales o las cualidades que más valoran a la hora de contratar a un profesional del sector de la logística.

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The EU will regulate an integrated logistics market to boost electronic commerce

Informe Adigital sobre Ecommerce

Barcelona, ​​March 11, 2014.- Below we reproduce the report published by Adigital (Spanish Association of the Digital Economy) about the negotiations in the European Union to close the regulation of the digital economy. Both in the protection of data, cloud computing, logistics, means of payment, returns, etc. In the coming years will reach the figure of 6,000 million active smartphones around the world, so the growth of ecommerce can be spectacular. And in turn, all logistics companies linked to electronic commerce. Another example, The On Line Shop Alibaba already outperforms Amazon + ebay together. At the moment, Adigital has reported:

1. Data Protection
The future Regulation of Data Protection continues on standby, after the regulations in process have been discussed at an informal meeting of Justice and Home Affairs, held on January 23, already under the Greek presidency. In the Council on March 6, this issue was again addressed. Negotiations to achieve a consensus regarding the normative text, for now, do not bear fruit. Ecommerce Europe, European employer of e-commerce that brings together 41 organizations from 35 countries and to which adigital belongs, points out the high probability that the regulation will not be approved in the current mandate, although it is highly unlikely that this legislative initiative will be completely shelved and considers that there is a better chance of resuming the processing and negotiation of the reform from scratch or from some point in the process, after the European Parliament elections in May 2014.

2. Right of consumers and users
The European Commission is monitoring the transposition into the domestic law of the Consumer Rights Directive by the Member States, which must do so before June 2014. In the case of Spain, the draft Law for The Defense of Consumers and Users has just finished its phase of amendments in the parliamentary procedure in Congress.

3. Claims resolution systems
The regulations on ADR (Alternative consumer Dispute Resolutions) and ODR (Online consumer Dispute Resolution) or on extrajudicial alternatives for the resolution of conflicts that affect consumers, pursue the purpose of achieving a common European system at the same level in all Member States. At European level, the ADR Directive and the ODR Regulation came into force in mid-2013. Member States are given a period of two years to transpose the Directive. The ODR platform will be available by the end of 2015.

4. Payment methods
On 28 January, the ECON Committee of the European Parliament proposed amendments to the Payment Services Directive, which, however, is very likely, according to Ecommerce Europe, that it will not go ahead before the elections in May 2014. Also together with this Directive There is the Proposal for the regulation of exchange rates for operations with cards. This directive will allow the entrance of new players in the market of payment services, which will be obliged to comply with high standards of regulation and supervision, as well as other payment institutions. The regulation on payment services will also promote the development of innovative means of payment through mobile and Internet.

5. Electronic signature
In the processing of the Regulation for electronic transactions in the internal market: electronic identification and online trust services, a three-party meeting was held between the Commission, the Parliament and the Council on 28 January, in which they demonstrated the divergences with respect to the date of application and with respect to the issue of liability in case of damages to consumers. The regulation aims to strengthen confidence in electronic transactions in the internal market and ensure mutual cross-border recognition of electronic identification, authentication, signatures and other online trust services.

6. Right to contract
With regard to the proposal of the Common Sales Law Regulation Proposal, the three-way negotiation between the Commission, the Parliament and the Council does not seem to begin in the near future, given that the Council has not yet adopted a general position . Thus, in the Justice and Home Affairs Council of December 5 and 6, it became clear that the Member States are not ready to adopt the content of the Proposal. The main divisions between States revolve around the definition of cross-border or cross-border. This proposal for a Regulation addresses the creation of an optional contractual standard for the entire EU in order to promote growth and lower the cost for companies derived from access to new markets, while offering consumers a wider range of services. products at more competitive prices.

7. Logistics
On December 17, 2013, the European Commission published a Roadmap as an answer or follow-up to the Green Paper on parcel delivery: An integrated market for delivery and logistics for growth of ecommerce). This roadmap is based on other regulatory initiatives such as the Ecommerce Communicaton (2011), the Postal Services Directive, the Consumer Rights Directive, the proposed European Sales Regulation or the roadmap for a single European transport area . A period of 18 months is now open to analyze whether it is necessary to adopt additional measures. For its part, the European Parliament Arias Echevarría has initiated a report for a resolution on the matter as a reaction to the initial Green Paper of the Commission, which was discussed and adopted in the Committee IMCO of the European Parliament, to which the Committee on Employment and Transport Parliament will give their opinion in the first quarter of 2014.

8. Taxation
On the other hand, with regard to the review of the regulation of the taxation of the digital economy in the EU, the group of experts for this matter held its second meeting on January 21, where, among other points, they addressed their own business models. of the digital economy and analyzed where value is created in the chain of the digital economy in order to analyze the most optimal and equitable taxation. The next meeting of the group of experts will take place on March 13 and 14.

9. Cloud Computing
Also, in the field of cloud computing service contracts, a group of experts was created within the framework of the European Commission, which held its first meeting on 19 and 20 November. It is expected that in terms of hiring cloud computing services with SMEs and consumers, a Policy Paper will be prepared for this coming spring and a public consultation will be launched.

e-TMS AndSoft: logistics software and transport software, transport and logistics applications

logistics software transport software

Barcelona, 21 de enero del 2014.-  Our transport and logistics applications are developed on the most recent and performing standard computer software: HTML5, jQuery, .NET, ASP, C#.It offers an optimal answer to your needs in exchanging data in real time, be it for internal or external resources, as with clients and partners.


  • Open solutions, multi company, multi sites and multi-language
  • Unique data base shared amongst all our applications (same third party data base, hardware, consolidated statistics data base)
  • Easy and secure sharing of internal information (agency, relay points, personal mobile) or external (with clients and suppliers) via a simple web access.
  • Communication with linked applications (social data, finances, technics)
  • Open solutions apt to be interfaced with all editors de general accountancy, mains agents in on board computing…


  • Create your own solution adapted to your needs: add news connections or new modules at all times
  • Free management of your information thanks to our solutions needing no intervention on the work interfaces (PC, PDA, terminals…)
  • Choose the solution best adapted to your company strategies: installation on your server or external on our hosting platforms (SaaS – Cloud Computing).


  • Benefit from a support system integrated into and throughout the application: each user can make a request for support, be it for corrections or assistance, directly from his/her work environment and indicate the level of urgency.
  • Be assured of a real reactivity: each demand is centralised on an intranet, therefor treated in the best delay possible by the developers or consultants connected.
  • You can then trace resolved supports thanks to a return via mail.


  • Decrease your indirect management costs by limiting the interventions of your providers (no intervention of our team when changing a PC or for updates)
  • Have full control of your providers and choose your computer hardware supplier
  • Limit your budget when it comes to the travel expenses of our consultants: the web technology enables our technical teams to execute mots parameters, personalization and developments, conceptions of edition, tests and validation in back office.


  • Hardware platform : windows
  • Mono or multi-site, client or multi-client : multi-site, multi-client multi-currency, multi-language
  • Developed in the following languages: ASP, C#, Java using Ajax and jQuery all in HTML5
  • Data bases : Sql Server

SmarTrack AndSoft

Nos logiciels de gestion du transport et de la logistique sont développés sur la base des standards informatiques les plus récents et performants : HTML, JAVA, ASP, C#.

Elle offre une réponse optimale à vos besoins d’échanges d’informations en temps réel, tant avec les ressources internes ou externes, qu’avec vos clients et partenaires.


  • Solutions ouvertes, multi sociétés, multi sites et multi langues
  • Base de données uniques partagées pour l’ensemble de nos applicatifs (même base tiers, matériel, bases statistiques consolidées)
  • Partage aisé et sécurisé de l’information en interne (agence, point relais, personnel mobile,…) ou en externe (avec vos clients et fournisseurs) via un simple accès WEB.
  • Communication avec vos logiciels connexes (données sociales, finances, techniques)
  • Solutions ouvertes pouvant s’interfacer avec tous les éditeurs de comptabilité générale, principaux acteurs d’informatique embarquée…


  • Dimensionnez le périmètre de votre solution à votre rythme : ajout de nouvelles connexions ou de nouveaux modules à tout moment
  • Devenez entièrement libre de la gestion de votre parc informatique grâce à nos solutions ne nécessitant aucune intervention sur les interfaces de travail (PC, PDA, terminaux …)
  • Choisissez la solution la mieux adaptée à votre stratégie d’entreprise : installation sur votre serveur ou externalisation sur nos plates-formes d’hébergement (SaaS – Cloud Computing).


  • Bénéficiez d’un support de maintenance nativement intégré dans votre applicatif : chaque utilisateur peut en effet faire ses demandes correctives ou d’assistance directement à partir de son environnement de travail et qualifier leur niveau d’urgence.
  • Soyez assuré d’une véritable réactivité : chaque demande est centralisée sur un intranet, donc traitée dans les meilleurs délais par l’ensemble des développeurs ou consultants connectés.
  • Bénéficiez ensuite d’un tracing de vos demandes avec un retour par mail des supports traités.


  • Diminuez vos coûts indirects de gestion en limitant les interventions de vos prestataires (aucune intervention de nos équipes techniques en cas de remplacement de poste ou pour des mises à jour)
  • Gardez la maîtrise de vos prestataires et choisissez votre fournisseur de matériel informatique
  • Limitez le budget lié aux frais de déplacement de nos consultants : La technologie Web permet à nos équipes techniques d’exécuter la majorité des paramétrages, personnalisations et développements, conceptions d’éditions, tests et validation en back office.


  • Plate-forme matérielle : Windows
  • Mono ou multisite, mon ou multiclient : multi-site, multi-client multi-devise, multilingue
  • Langage de développement : ASP ; :net ; ajax ; jQuery
  • Base de données : sql server ; transact sql